Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First follow up

I learned yesterday that it was ok for me to remove the bandage covering my bellybutton/port site. I was really nervous because through the bandage, I felt something hard and was worried the port hadn't been implanted. I was vey happy to see underneath the bandage was additional gauze stuck in there. I tried to get it off, but couldn't; it was stick to the skin glue! But it was nice just to have that bandage gone and the itchiness from the tape gone.

I had my first follow up appointment this morning and they said I'm healing well. He took the stuck gauze out relatively easily and put me on a ticker consistency diet... Custard style yogurt and runny oatmeal mmmmmmmmm. Ok, not so knim, but nice that I will have additional options to eat! I also scheduled my first fill... Feb 14! Happy valentines, no chocolate or romantic dinner for me! That's ok... Once all this damned fat is gone, I'm sure there will be plenty of romantic dinners!

I have to say, though, that when I called to make the follow up appt yesterday, I ended up feeling like nothing but a number. She was nice as pie (mmmmm pie) but spoke to me as though she had no idea who I was, although I assumed she had my info in front of her. She was talking about me getting fills and I was telling her not so quick, and she kept on about the fills, finally realizing that I wasnt at that stage yet. It was a little disappointing. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has felt like that. At least I'd
Ike to think I'm not alone in that... At least the tech I met today was really nice. (he didn't seem to know much about me either though).

Ok, enough Debbie downer shit. Between my boohoo-wahwah and the horribly depressing newscast on tv, it's time for me to take a walk and activate some feel good endorphins!


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