Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Living in a fog

My life since Friday has been a thick fog. I only remember bits and pieces, but I guess not much has really happened to remember. I went to the store yesterday... My husband obviously drove. We started at Trader Joes where I picked up more soups and broths and then a couple more soups and v8. Im trying to go a little longer in between pain meds. I took a dose last night at 10p and didn't take it again until about 11a today. I was having some sharp pains in my port area so that's when I decided to take it. It leaves me completely useless and I'm hoping not to have to request an extra refill.

So three cheers for poop cuz I finally pooped yesterday! It was a complete and utter mess... Nuclear warfare, really, but man what a relief!

Today gas started early and it's been a more difficult day. Walking and a hot shower didn't help at all. I went for a drive and thought we were gone for hours; We hadn't been gone an hour. I'm all dopey now from the drugs and just finished my lunch. It was a low sodium broccoli soup and I added chicken broth to make it more runny. It was really yummy! I plan on trying the potato and garlic soup and I will add turkey broth. Hope it gives me the flavor I'm expecting! The soup diet isn't bad for me although I cannot wait to chew!

Ok, guess I will sign off. This medicinal babble is boring even me, and I'm high as hell!

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