Thursday, January 6, 2011

Woke up this morning hungry. Shocking, I know. I haven't drank any breakfast yet. I feel like once I do start today's liquid, it will trigger the hunger more. I guess I'm gonna have to chance it.

I noticed last night (or more like this morning) that I had really bad heartburn/acid tummy. Prilosec helped and I was able to go to sleep. I slept in until 8a today... Super late for me! But I noticed that with every toss and turn I was very aware about how much we use our stomach muscles and more, how much it's probably gonna suck for the next few days. I hope the pain meds work well! And mother nature decided to share a surprise visit from aunt flo... I was not ready for that bitch to be here, especially with the worst day falling on surgery day. Man, that is gonna SUCK! It's gonna be a mess.

I'm glad to have taken work off today so I can do all my last minute running around. Guess I better get going!

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